Welcome to GLAC-21
May 8-9, 2015
Downtown Provo Marriott, Provo, UT
Downtown Provo Marriott, Provo, UT
The 21st Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-21) will meet May 8-9, 2015 in Provo, Utah and is hosted by the Department of German and Russian at Brigham Young University. The conference will be held off campus at the Provo Downtown Marriott, near a variety of restaurants, shops, and coffee houses. (There's a Starbucks right inside the lobby of the hotel!!!)
Please visit here for a full schedule of the conference.
Check out our updates below. If you aren't on our mailing list for updates, please sign up below.
Please visit here for a full schedule of the conference.
Check out our updates below. If you aren't on our mailing list for updates, please sign up below.
The Marriott has just opened another 8 rooms at the full price ($135) for Wednesday (May 6) and Thursday (May 7) night. There are still rooms available in our block for Friday through Sunday at the discounted rate. Please see the Travel and Hotel page for more details. Since there are other events taking place in Provo the same weekend as GLAC, please do not delay in booking your hotel room to assure yourself a spot onsite. If you are looking for someone to share a room with, please contact Tonya Dewey (tkdewey"at"morris.umn.edu).
Early Bird Registration Rates have been extended until April 15! Don't wait to get signed up!
Click here to go to the registration page for the links.
On-site registration and check-in will be at the Marriott in the lower lobby by the conference rooms.
Information about excursions is available by clicking here or on the Excursions tab (under "more") above.
Space is still available for posters in our Teaching Expo Poster Session. Please send poster proposals directly to [email protected].
The Marriott has just opened another 8 rooms at the full price ($135) for Wednesday (May 6) and Thursday (May 7) night. There are still rooms available in our block for Friday through Sunday at the discounted rate. Please see the Travel and Hotel page for more details. Since there are other events taking place in Provo the same weekend as GLAC, please do not delay in booking your hotel room to assure yourself a spot onsite. If you are looking for someone to share a room with, please contact Tonya Dewey (tkdewey"at"morris.umn.edu).
Early Bird Registration Rates have been extended until April 15! Don't wait to get signed up!
Click here to go to the registration page for the links.
On-site registration and check-in will be at the Marriott in the lower lobby by the conference rooms.
Information about excursions is available by clicking here or on the Excursions tab (under "more") above.
Space is still available for posters in our Teaching Expo Poster Session. Please send poster proposals directly to [email protected].
About GLAC
GLAC is the annual conference of the Society for Germanic Linguistics (SGL), an organization serving the broad community of scholars teaching and researching in Germanic linguistics and philology. Further information about the SGL, and about past conferences, may be found here:http://german.lss.wisc.edu/~sgl. Papers submitted to GLAC may be on any linguistic or philological aspect of any historical or modern Germanic language or dialect, including English (to the Early Modern period) and the extraterritorial varieties. Papers from the full range of linguistic and philological subfields, as well as differing theoretical perspectives, are welcome. Abstracts submitted to GLAC will undergo anonymous review. |